Template token list for bSeolized shadowMaker v6.8

  • Will insert content from field "Text above cross links". You can use it as often you like in your template. In a design with more than one column, it may be placed in one of the columns.
  • Container for breadcrumbs for silo. Internal tokens:
            [SILO_URL] - URL of the page
            [SILO_ANCHOR] - anchor of the page
  • <div>
                     <a href='[SILO_URL]'>[SILO_ANCHOR]</a> &gt;
  • [CACHE_GET,<key>]
  • Outputs contents from cache for key provided in <key>
  • [CACHE_SET,some_snippet][SPIN]Created on:|Posted on:[/SPIN] [DATEU,1-400][CHANCE,50] by [KWU:names.txt][/CHANCE][/CACHE_SET,some_snippet]  // for example it produces "Posted on: 2015-11-26 by James"
    [CACHE_GET,some_snippet] // this will output "Posted on: 2015-11-26 by James" as well
  • [CACHE_SET,<key>]..[/CACHE_SET,<key>]
  • Caches contents in to the key provided in <key> to be used with [CACHE_GET]. Good for caching snippets with [SPIN] and [CHANCE]. See example for [CACHE_GET].
  • [CASE_<case>]...[/CASE_<case>]
  • [CASE_LOWER]...[/CASE_LOWER] - lower case
    [CASE_UPPER]...[/CASE_UPPER] - upper case
    [CASE_TITLE]...[/CASE_TITLE] - title case
    [CASE_SENTENCE]...[/CASE_SENTENCE] - fix case for sentences
    [CASE_UCFIRST]...[/CASE_UCFIRST] - capitalize first letter only
  • Sample input string:
            this Is a Test. second sentence someBrand.
    Output for each case:
            LOWER:    this is a test. second sentence somebrand.
            TITLE:    This Is a Test. Second Sentence someBrand.
            SENTENCE: This is a test. Second sentence someBrand.
            UCFIRST:  This Is a Test. second sentence someBrand.
  • [CHANCE,<number>]...[/CHANCE]
  • This token is used to add a chance possibility of outputting the content/html that's within the tags. The number you place in the tag is the % of possibility it gets output.
  • [CHANCE,50]<p>This is going to show in the pages 50% of the time</p>[/CHANCE]
  • [CONTENT<number>,<range>]
  • These tokens can be used throughout your webpage to include smaller blocks of randomly-generated content.
    Note: if you repeat your use of a content block number (i.e. you use [CONTENT1] more than once in a template) you will receive duplicate content. Use different content block numbers to ensure your content blocks are unique.
          Also you can use 'U' instead of number to make sure each block is random
  • If you have three small columns in your footer that you wanted to have some content placed in, you could use [CONTENT1,10-50] [CONTENT2,10-50] [CONTENT3,10-50]
  • Inserts shadowMaker generated content. Obviously essential.
  • This token allows you to include another batch of randomly-selected internal links in your template.
    For example, you might have a "Popular Posts on This Blog" section that you want populated, or a secondary "Categories" area.
  • This token allows you to include a selection of links to the newest webpages on your website.
    shadowMaker will obey the "No. of most recent crosslinks" setting inside of "Crosslinks style" on the "Site Style and Input" tab.
    For example, if you set this number to "100" and include the [CROSSLINK] token in your template, on each page load shadowMaker will select a handful of crosslinks from the 100 most recently generated webpages on your website.
  • [DATE]
  • This token will insert a date inside of your template. The date used will be the date that shadowMaker generated the webpage.
    If you want to use a date in the past you must use [DATE1] (or [DATE2], etc.) and set a range inside of "Time range for [DATE] (days)" in the "Advanced Settings" area of the "Content Settings" tab.
    For example, if you set "50-100" as the range in that input box, shadowMaker will randomly select a date anywhere from 50-100 days before the date of page generation and place that on the page.
  • This token will first draw from the file selected in the dropdown box below "Use descriptions from extern file" on the "Meta Settings" tab only if the box is checked.
    If the box is NOT checked, it will this token will use the page title as set in the "Titles" section of the "Site Style and Input" tab.
    NOTE: If you are NOT using an external descriptions file, it is recommended to use [TITLE2] instead of [DESCRIPTION] as this will generate a new unique title.
  • <meta name="description" content="[DESCRIPTION]" />
  • [DOMAIN]
  • Domain name
  • Copyright [DOMAIN]
    Welcome to [DOMAIN]
  • This token will draw a randomly selected external link from the text file specified in "Extern links file (name)" in "External Links" in the "Content Links and Images" tab and will obey all of the settings in this section as well.
    Note: the format of this file is URL@ANCHOR so it can be:
            http://en.wikipedia.org/Poker@Read about Poker on Wikipedia
  • This token will be replaced with the contents placed in the "Titles of index page(s)" or "Titles of phantom pages" input boxes on the "Site Style and Input" tab
  • <h1>[HEADLINE]</h1>
  • [HTTP]
  • Replaced by 'http' or 'https' depending on protocol used to build a site.
  • <link rel="canonical" href="[HTTP]://[DOMAIN][PAGE]" />
  • This token will be replaced with a plain image sometimes and sometimes it will change to an image with a link 
  • The output will be an unique image generated from random image selected from your input images directory which will be wrapped in <a href> tags and linked to a random internal or external link based on the settings you choose in "Add Images".
  • [IMAGE]
  • The output will be an unique image generated from random image selected from your input images directory
  • [INCLUDE:<filename.txt>]
  • This outputs full contents of a file you input in the token - file must be places in the input/includes subfolder.
  • [INCLUDE:about_us.txt] will output full contents of the file /input/includes/about_us.txt
  • This token can be used to add an internal link to another webpage on this domain.
    Note that if "Interlink all sites in a batch" in "Internal Links" in the "Content Links and Images" tab is checked, this token will pull a link from any webpage on any domain listed in the list of ShadowDomains in the input box on the top right hand side. You can also add a number, like [INTERN_LINK2] to make it sticky - so you can use it multiple places in a template and it will output the same internal link on that page.
  • This will output a random URL. You can also sticky this tag by adding a number, like [INTERN_LINK_URL2] and use it in multiple places in your page to output the same URL
  • <a href="[INTERN_LINK_URL]">Read More...</a>
  • Shuffles words in text
  • [JUMBLE]some example string[/JUMBLE] // "example some string" or "string some example" or "some string example" and so on
  • [KEYWORD<number>]
  • Could be used in a variety of ways such as a subheading. You can also use a 'U' instead of a number to make sure each block is random.
  • <h2>[KEYWORD1]</h2>
  • [KW<number>:<filename.txt>]
  • This outputs a random line from a file you input in the token - file must be places in the input_keywords subfolder (where you put your keyword files).
    The number is used to sticky the token in case you want the same line output in multiple places.
    You can use [KWU:filename.txt] if you always want it random.
  • [KWU:month.txt] will output a line of content from the filename /input/input_keywords/month.txt
  • This token will draw from the "Generate meta tag "author" input box on the "Meta Settings" tab only if the box is checked.
    You MUST check this box if you use this tag, otherwise your pages will output with the token instead of real information. 
    This token is not essential but is useful to generate variety and uniqueness amongst your templates.
  • <meta name="author" content="[METAAUTHOR]" />
  • This token will draw from the "Generate meta tag "generator" input box on the "Meta Settings" tab only if the box is checked.
    You MUST check this box if you use this tag, otherwise your pages will output with the token instead of real information.
    This token is not essential but is useful to generate variety and uniqueness amongst your templates.
  • <meta name="generator" content="[METAGENERATOR]" />
  • This token will draw from the 'Include additonal keywords (Meta tag "keywords")' input box on the "Meta Settings" tab only if the box is checked.
    You must also either check "Keywords for additional random inclusion" and paste in keywords manually, or check "Keywords file for additional random inclusion" and select a text file (NOT A CSV FILE!) with relevant keywords inside.
    You MUST check this box if you use this tag, otherwise your pages will output with the token instead of real information.
    This token is not essential but is useful to generate variety and uniqueness amongst your templates.
    Note: if you are using a large primary keyword list it is recommended to use a separate smaller keyword list for additional random inclusion as very large files can significantly slow shadowMaker and/or cause memory issues.
  • <meta name="keywords" content="[METAKEYWORDS]" />
  • This token will draw from the 'Generate meta tag "content language"' input box on the "Meta Settings" tab only if the box is checked.
    You MUST check this box if you use this tag, otherwise your pages will output with the token instead of real information.
    This token is not essential but can be used for uniqueness and if you are generating non-English language content and want to specify the language to Googlebot.
  • <meta http-equiv="content-language" content="[METALANGUAGE]" />
  • The navigation block tokens are essential as they create the main navigation bar used on the webpage. Internal tokens:
            [MAINLINK]...[/MAINLINK] - This token will inject a "home" link back to your root index page
            [SITEMAPLINK]...[/SITEMAPLINK] - This token will inject a link to your sitemap if you choose to generate it by selecting information in the "Sitemaps" section of the "Site Style and Input" tab.
            [PAGELINK]...[/PAGELINK] - This token is for the page links that will appear in your navigation block leading to other pages inside of your website. This token must include [CROSSLINK] as the href location and [KEYWORD] which will use the crosslinked webpage's main keyword as the link's anchor text. Note that the number of crosslinks which appear will be drawn from the "Max. links per page" number set in "Crosslinks style" on the "Site Style and Input" tab.
    You can also use [SILO_TOP_CATEGORIES]...[/SILO_TOP_CATEGORIES] in replace of [PAGELINK] tag (if using SILO mode) to show the top category pages instead of random pages. This token requires [SILO_URL] and [SILO_ANCHOR] as the href location and anchor text.
  • <ul>
       [MAINLINK]<li><a href="/index.html">Home</a></li>[/MAINLINK]
       [SITEMAPLINK]<li><a href="/sitemap.html">Sitemap</a></li>[/SITEMAPLINK]
       [PAGELINK]<li><a href="[CROSSLINK]" title="[KEYWORD]">[KEYWORD]</a></li>[/PAGELINK]
    With silo categories:
       [MAINLINK]<li><a href="/index.html">Home</a></li>[/MAINLINK]
       [SITEMAPLINK]<li><a href="/sitemap.html">Sitemap</a></li>[/SITEMAPLINK]
  • This token will be replaced with the word "noarchive" only if the "Include NO-ARCHIVE meta tag (NOCACHE)" box on the "Meta Settings" page is checked.
    This token is essential if you want to avoid having your shadowMaker webpages cached by Google.
  • <meta name="robots" content="index,follow[NOCACHE]" />
  • [NUM,<range>,<decimal>]
  • This outputs a number randomly chosen from the range. You can also output numbers with decimal places.
  • [NUM,1-100]
    outputs a number between 1 and 100
    outputs a number between 1 and 100 with 2 decimal places like: 35.78
  • [PAGE]
  • Replaced with the current page url (without domain name)
  • <link rel="canonical" href="http://[DOMAIN][PAGE]" />
  • Replaced by project name you specified in General tab
  • This token will insert a randomly-selected RSS feed which is produced based on the settings in the "Generate RSS Feeds" section of the "File Settings and RSS Feeds" tab only if the box is checked.
  • <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="[DOMAIN] News" href="[RANDOMRSS]" />
    <a href="[RANDOMRSS]" class="art-rss-tag-icon" title="RSS"></a> 
  • [RANDOM_LINKS,<range>,<pool>]...[/RANDOM_LINKS]
  • Same as [RANDOM_LINK], but outputs multiple links and allows to specify pool (used for special pages). If special pages are not used, then use pool name '_main'.
  • [RANDOM_LINKS,5-10,_main]<a class="tags" href="[RANDOM_LINK_URL]" title="View all posts in [RANDOM_LINK_KEYWORD]">[RANDOM_LINK_KEYWORD]</a>[/RANDOM_LINKS]
  • This is for internal linking that allows you to include a URL and the keyword that assigned to that page.  This is used when you can't just use intern_link tag, ie you need the plain URL and keyword in different places, but you still want them tied to each other. This token requires [RANDOM_LINK_URL] for the href location and [RANDOM_KEYWORD] for the keyword assigned to the URL. You can also use this within a REPEAT tag.
  • [RANDOM_LINK]<a class="tags" href="[RANDOM_LINK_URL]" title="View all posts in [RANDOM_LINK_KEYWORD]">[RANDOM_LINK_KEYWORD]</a>[/RANDOM_LINK]
  • [RANDOM_STRING,<length>,<pattern>]
  • This outputs a random string where length can be a range and pattern can contain these:
            c - Any Latin lowercase character [a-z]
            C - Any Latin uppercase character [A-Z]
            n - Any digit [0-9]
            ! - A punctuation character [~`!@$%^&*()-_+={}[]|\:;"'.<>?/#,]
            . - Any of the above
            s - A "salt" character [A-Za-z0-9./]
            b - Any binary data
  • [RANDOM_STRING,5-10,cCnc] will produce something like: aG4bsC, nRsimT4, etc
  • Creates the image of width=W, height=H and outputs its URL
  •  <img src="[RAWIMAGE,100-200x150-200]">
  • The [RCONTENT] token allows you to include snippets of text that will be changed after a number of hits to the page.
    This token will draw from the "Use rotating content snippets" input box on the "Content Settings" tab only if the box is checked.
    You MUST check this box if you use this token, otherwise your pages will output with the token instead of real information.
    You must also specify the content text file, the snippet length in words (using a whole number or a range) and after how many hits the snippet should be rotated (using a whole number or a range).
  • <div class="whatever">[RCONTENT]</div>
  • [REPEAT,<range>,<offset>]...[/REPEAT]
  • This will repeat the html/content that is within the tags. The range will determine how many times it's repeated. You can place [REPEAT_CNT] within the tag it will output a counter. You can also use this within another tag - like [KEYWORD[REPEAT_CNT]] and that will output [KEYWORD1] on the first output, the second would be [KEYWORD2] and so on. The offset is not required. It is used with [REPEAT_CNT] tag, and will serve as a starting point for the counter. If not used, the counter will start at 1. You can also nest the repeat tag, but if nested, you must add a number to the repeat tag. Example below.
  • [REPEAT,5-10]<li>This is line number [REPEAT_CNT]: [CONTENTU,5-20]</li>[/REPEAT]
    Nested tags:
    With offset:
            [REPEAT,3-5,10]<p>This is line number [REPEAT_CNT][/REPEAT]
    That will output:
      <p>This is line number 10</p>
      <p>This is line number 11</p> and so on
  • Container for current category contents for silo. Internal tokens:
            [SILO_URL] - URL of the page
            [SILO_ANCHOR] - anchor of the page
  • <ul>
                    <li><a href='[SILO_URL]'>[SILO_ANCHOR]</a></li>
  • Container for the list of children of category (if current page is not a category - it produces blank). Internal tokens:
            [SILO_URL] - URL of the page
            [SILO_ANCHOR] - anchor of the page
            [SILO_IMAGE] - URL to silo nav image
  • <div>
                    <a href='[SILO_URL]'>[SILO_ANCHOR]</a><br>
  • This token will output a random keyword from a SILO project that is in Tier 1. Typically these are used for when utilizing the SILO CSV import feature however can be used for any SILO project.
  • <p>This is posted in category [SILO_KEYWORD_TIER1]</p>
  • This token will output a random keyword from a SILO project that is in Tier 2. Typically these are used for when utilizing the SILO CSV import feature however can be used for any SILO project.
  • <p>This is posted in category [SILO_KEYWORD_TIER2]</p>
  • Container for pagination for silo. Internal tokens:
            [SILO_HEADER]...[/SILO_HEADER] - prepend contents to each entry
            [SILO_ENTRY]...[/SILO_ENTRY] - actual contents of each pagination link. Internal tokens:
                    [SILO_URL] - URL of the page
                    [SILO_ANCHOR] - anchor of the page
            [SILO_SEPARATOR]...[/SILO_SEPARATOR] - separator between entries
            [SILO_FOOTER]...[/SILO_FOOTER] - append contents to each entry
            [SILO_HEADER]<div>Pages:<ul style='list-style: none'>[/SILO_HEADER]
            [SILO_ENTRY]<li style='float: left; padding-left: 10px;'><a href='[SILO_URL]'>[SILO_ANCHOR]</a></li>[/SILO_ENTRY]
  • This will output your top categories (tier1) of your silo using the following tags.
    Internal tokens: [SILO_ANCHOR] - Will output the SILO keyword/category
     [SILO_URL] - Will output the SILO URL
    <li><a href="[SILO_URL]" title="[SILO_ANCHOR]">[SILO_ANCHOR]</a></li>
  • [SPIN]...[/SPIN]
  • Spin contents, separated by '|' - You can also do nested spins but you need to number them.
  • [SPIN]something1|something2|something3[/SPIN]
    Nested spins: 
    [SPIN]<h2>[SPIN2][KEYWORDU]|[CONTENTU,5-10]|[CONTENTU,3-6] [KEYWORDU][/SPIN2]</h2>|<p>[CONTENTU,30-80]</p>[/SPIN]
  • [TCHANCE,<number>]
  • This is just like the [CHANCE] token but is processed only with the template spinner. If the output is chosen (based on the %) - it will be on all pages, not run for every page.
  • [TCHANCE,50]<a href"http://facebook.com">Share this</a>[/TCHANCE]
    When the template spinner spins it, it will output (50% of the time) the content into the template.  It will not be chosen 50% of the time for every page.
  • [TCONTENT<number>,<range>]
  • The [TCONTENT] token is similar in usage to [CONTENT<number>,<range>] except it will include targeted snippets of content which include your keywords instead.
    Note: this setting does NOT obey any keyword density settings you have set in the "Keyword density" area on the "Content Settings" tab.
          If you use TCONTENT throughout your template you may end up with a higher keyword density than you had intended.
  • [TCONTENT1,30-50]
  • [TIME]
  • Local time of generation will be added to the page
  • [TITLE]
  • This token will be replaced with the contents placed in the "Titles of index page(s)" or "Titles of phantom pages" input boxes on the "Site Style and Input" tab.
    To use the main keyword as part of the title, you can enter the hash symbol "#" in the input box.
    For example, to achieve the sample output below you would use "# | [DOMAIN]" to generate "Texas Holdem Strategies To Win Big Bucks | PokerStrategiesForYou.com"
    Note: you can use this tag throughout your template as [TITLE2], [TITLE3], etc. if you would like to place content from the titles box elsewhere in your template.
  • <title>[TITLE]</title>
    Sample output: <title>Texas Holdem Strategies To Win Big Bucks | PokerStrategiesForYou.com</title>
  • [TKW<number>:<filename.txt>]
  • This is just like the [KW:filename.txt] tag but is processed only with the template spinner. Whatever random line it chooses, it will be placed in the template and output the same on all pages.
  • [TKWU:month.txt] will output something from month.txt and will be the same on all pages.
  • [TLD]
  • Inserts root domain
  • [TNUM,<range>]
  • This is just like the [NUM] tag but is processed only with the template spinner.  Whatever number it chooses, will be placed in the template and used on all pages.
  • [TNUM,1-100] - when output with the template spinner, if it chose 50, it will output 50 on every page.
  • [TRANDOM_STRING,<length>,<pattern>]
  • This is just like the [RANDOM_STRING] tag but is processed only with the template spinner. Whatever random string it chooses, it will be placed in the template and output the same on all pages.
  • [TRANDOM_STRING,5-10,cCnc] will output something like: aG4bsC  - and will be the same on all pages.
  • [TREPEAT,<range>]
  • This is just like the [REPEAT] tag but is processed only with the template spinner. The range will be then be a fixed number for the template and all pages.
  • [TREPEAT,5-10]<li>[CONTENTU,5-20]</li>[/TREPEAT]
  • [TSPIN]
  • This is just like the [SPIN] tag but is processed only with the template spinner.  When the spun variable is chosen, it will be on all pages, not spun for every page.
    When the template spinner spins it, it will output one of those tags, and will be in the template as such. It will not be spun for every page.
  • Will insert content from field "Text under cross links". You can use it as often you like in your template. In a design with more than one column, it may be placed in one of the columns.